Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Carry me into the night
pick up these shredded pieces
I am so delicate

Be gentle
Wrap up my sorrow
in darkness

I am so weary
beyond repair

so carry me
into the night
and lay me down
in sweet dark

Friday, April 20, 2012

Fleeting Glory

This one is for my Grandpas, and all those who serve and have served our country

The glory is fleeting
the wounds are fresh
when wings come rushing
to help us greet death

We fought their fights
we lived their dreams
hidden were nightmares
pretended by kings

The pain is lasting
transformed by our grief
we go through life running
seeking relief

sometimes we find it
a salve for our scars
sometimes we keep sewing
our tattered hearts

Whether we die
clinging to life
or meet death sweetly
embracing the light
there is no denying
how our paths intersected
and were broken by strife

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Heavy Hearts

Some heavy hearts
are hard to break
they hold fast to trees
when winds blow and shake

Until just the right tug
the perfect caress
they fall into open hands
they fall into distress

Gentle hands
carry them away
lay them gently
amongst the lilies as they sway

but gentle hands
do not remain so
they pick up hearts
and ready to throw

the heavy hearts
were hard to break
now are riddled with holes
and wrenching ache

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Depth of a Tear

I would have counted them
as they slid away
counted the hurt
that each represented

they represent bitterness
valleys of pain
Hundreds of trees

rivers flowing in their roots

flowers watered in sorrow
canyons carved of pain

a concrete place to grieve
curtained to sunshine
by the misting breeze

but edged by
soaked in sunshine
filled with thousands
billions of teardrops

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Very Last Night As Me

The night sky inked, ready to stamp its stars onto the earth
I lay on the cold ground, feeling the wind sweep across me
I knew that this was to be my last night, my very last as me

The earth was slowly creeping over me, like Ants gathering to a hill
My hands were slowly disappearing, my toes already gone
I smiled as the earth gathered me slowly to her.

The dirt filled my eyes, dotting out the stars with blackness
drop by drop, fear filled my heart.
This was my last, my very last night as me.

The night was gone, I was completely encased in dust
I could feel the ground heating around me, pushing in against me.
My eyes widened, searching for some light, some color in the black.

The silence was building, filling my ears
my heart racing, becoming a whisper at the back of my mind
though I knew, I couldn't quite accept that this was my last night, my very last night as me.

The bits of minerals and fragments of rocks shoved me deeper
it pushed my breath from my chest, lungs flattening against my back
the fear suffused with excitement, bubbling up through the cracks of my shattered soul.

the time had come, the earth had done its job
the heart beat of the earth pounded on my back, pushing me up
the last night was almost over, my very last night as me.

I burst through the surface, the earth melting away like butter
the sunshine replaced the black
illuminating the ocean of grass surrounding Me

The sun coats my skin, reflecting back to the world around Me
I glance back at the divot in the earth, night still gathered in the corners
it contains the only remnants of my very last night, my last night as me.

I let the air rush into My lungs, the smell of sunshine and roses
a mirror hangs shining in the air and I glimpse the reflection of Me
This is the Me I was meant to be.

I can see the changes the night has made
Cloaked in white, dark hair shining, eyes blazing bright.
Purified, perfected by the blackness of the earth and night.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Flutter follows flutter
roaming and returning
twisting in spirals
of color

flowing with the breeze
and one

returning to the color
amid the vast, dead grass
happy little swirls
always returning